Laus work and cooperate closely with young and succesful architects who are creative and particular in their fields. They work both in product design and architectural design. Our designers believe that furniture is not just an object, but also an artwork that enhances people’s lives.
Tayfun Süzen
He was born in Kocaeli in 1997. He completed his high school education in the Graphic Design and Photography department. He graduated from Yeditepe University Faculty of Architecture, Interior Architecture and worked part-time at Tabanlıoğlu Architecture and U Design. He has been carrying out 3D design concept design and application projects as a freelancer for 4 years.
Gürhan Bilget
He holds a Master’s degree in Furniture Design from Politechnico di Milano. He graduated from Anadolu University, Department of Interior Architecture. He started to provide services in the fields of Furniture Design and Interior Architecture in 2013 and 2014. He has been working as a Furniture Designer since 2017.
Taner Sabırsız
Taner graduated from Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of Architecture and Dumlupınar University, Department of Restoration. He has started with his office; Tan’s Architecture & Design office in 2020, where they make architectural license projects, interior projects, restoration projects and product design. He serve in the field of project design and application for about 3 years.